TASSP Region 7
Region 7 Fall Meeting
9/11/2024 at 11:00 AM | Longview Area Click here to add the meeting to your calendar
Region 7 Spring Meeting
4/28/2025 at 6:00 PM | Region 7 ESC - Kilgore Click here to add the meeting to your calendar
Includes Counties: Rains, Wood, Upshur, Harrison, Van Zandt, Smith, Gregg, Rusk, Panola, Henderson, Anderson, Cherokee, Nacogdoches, Shelby, Angelina, San Augustine, and Sabine
REGION 7 COORDINATOR Crystal Brock, Principal Harleton High School, Harleton ISD [email protected]
REGION 7B REPRESENTATIVE Travis Orms, Principal Ore City High School, Ore City ISD [email protected]
ASSISTANT REGION COORDINATOR Jeff Lahey, Principal Malakoff High School, Malakoff ISD [email protected]