TASSP/TASC Student Leadership ClassStudent Leadership Course Academy Information »
The Texas Association of Secondary School Principals and the Texas Association of Student Councils sponsor Student Leadership, a TEA-approved class. Developed originally in 1996 and most recently revised in 2022, the course curriculum is available for purchase and implementation in secondary schools. TASSP & TASC serve as the sponsoring organization with TEA, and the course may be offered for ½ to 1 state elective credit in grades 8-12. Schools must purchase the curriculum through TASC and complete the TASSP/TASC Participant Agreement to offer this versatile course as state credit. The curriculum may be purchased as a supplemental resource for other classes or educational purposes as well. Licensing to offer the course for state credit is provided per individual campus (school). MaterialsThe revised curriculum includes course TEKS, activities to teach key concepts, and web-based resources in each chapter. The curriculum and web-based resources to accompany the course are provided via PDF. The revised curriculum also includes a Curriculum Supplement (100 pages of leadership lessons developed by leadership teachers.) For additional information regarding the course, to purchase the course, or to see information regarding the Student Leadership Course Curriculum Academy provided annually by TASC, please go to this link at the TASC website. The next Academy Training for teachers of the Student Leadership class will be held SUMMER 2024. |