NEW PRINCIPAL ACADEMY 2025 June 26 - 29, 2025 – Hilton Austin Airport
Registration and Housing are Open!
Early Bird Registration $795 through June 6, 2025 After June 6, $895
Important Tools for the Principalship: Preparing Novice Campus Principals to Become Highly Qualified Leaders
If your school district will be hiring new principals, is in the process of grooming you for the principalship, or if you aspire to become a campus administrator, this professional development is a must. The 2025 program is the 27th annual TASSP New Principal Academy. The Academy offers all new principals and aspiring principals, and principals who need a refresher course, a very practical hands-on training in skills for the principalship: Culture-building Skills; Best Hiring Practices and Human Resource Information; Campus and Activity Fund Training; Documentation Skills; School Law as it relates to the campus principal; How to Avoid Career Derailing Mistakes; and so much more.
For over 25 years, TASSP has offered the New Principal Academy to provide training in topic-driven areas of leadership and management. As often occurs, new principals have had in-depth training on the research behind leadership but have not had the same depth of training in areas of legal and practical management. The TASSP New Principal Academy addresses both, leadership and management.
This academy is open to all administrators, K-12, aspiring and current. If you are grooming assistant principals for principal positions, this academy is a great place to support them for the job. Please consider sending a current or future campus leader from your school or district to this training. We can assure you that the training will be high-quality and specific to the nuts and bolts of effective leadership.
DAY 1: June 26, 2025 (Thu.) 4:00p-4:15p | Welcome 4:15p-5:15p | Opening Session: Touching Hearts, Changing Minds - Dr. Eric Cupp 5:15p-6:00p | Welcome Dinner - Airport Hilton 6:00p-9:00p | 1st Session: Leadership Tools for School Principals - Dr. Nelson Coulter
DAY 2: June 27, 2025 (Fri.) 7:00a-7:45a | Breakfast - Airport Hilton - Atrium II 8:00a-11:30a | 2nd Session: Activity/Campus Fund Accounting - Gary Williams 11:30a-12:45p | Lunch Provided - Airport Hilton 1:00p-4:30p | 3rd Session: Being a Systems Principal - Dr. Courtney Gober Dinner on Your Own
DAY 3: June 28, 2025 (Sat.) 7:00a-7:45a | Breakfast - Airport Hilton 8:00a-11:30a | 4th Session: Legal Issues for the Campus Principal - Kaylin Kirkpatrick 11:45a-12:45p | Lunch Provided - Airport Hilton 1:00p-4:30p | 5th Session: Human Resources Tools - Jennifer Barton Dinner on Your Own
DAY 4: June 29, 2025 (Sun.) 7:00a-7:45a | Breakfast Provided - Airport Hilton 8:00a-11:30a | 6th Session: Important Tool: Documentation - Zachary Hobbs 11:30a-12:00n | Reflections and Wrap Up
The success of this program is in the strength of the trainers. This experience offers opportunities for current and future campus leaders to network and grow professionally.
Please consider sending a current or future campus leader from your school or district to this training. We can assure you that the training will be high-quality and specific to the nuts and bolts of effective leadership.
