Connect with colleagues who face similar challenges and are willing to share successful solutions. Surround yourself with dedicated educators who believe “Above All, Students First”.
Make plans now to join Dr. David Warren, TASSP 2024-2025 President; Archie McAfee, TASSP Executive Director, and your local Region Coordinator at your TASSP Region Meeting. Join your fellow school leaders and learn about current legislative issues, member services, and "Best Practices" for campus-level leadership. Click on your region below to save the date for your TASSP Region Meeting.

Attend Your Region Meeting and have a Chance to Win Free TASSP Dues for 2025-2026 as well as Free Registration for the TASSP 2025 Summer Workshop!
Here’s how you can win! If you would like your name included in this drawing, you must: • Be a 2024-25 TASSP Active Member on the day of the drawing; • Attend your Fall 2024 Region Meeting; AND • Bring your device [cell phone, iPad] to the meeting, scan the QR code presented, log into your TASSP account, and complete the attendance form to be eligible for the drawing.
No other form of identification will be used for the drawing. Non-members at the time of the drawing are ineligible. You must enter your information from the QR code at the time of the Region Meeting. You will also have the opportunity to sign up as a volunteer for any of the 12 standing committees once you enter your information on the TASSP form.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting! Hope you have a great school year!
Archie E. McAfee, Executive Director Texas Association of Secondary School Principals