Texas Association of Secondary School Principals
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The EQ-uipped Leader: The Post Pandemic Educator 101: Awareness, Acceptance, Action
Wednesday, March 01, 2023, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CDT
Category: Webinar

The EQ-uipped Leader: Accessing Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
for Effective and Sustainable Leadership

A Professional Development Series of Online Training Modules  (FREE for TASSP Members!)
With Trainers Dr. Adam L. Sáenz & Dr. Jenny Severson

Mar. 1, 2023 - 3:00p  |  The Post Pandemic Educator 101: Awareness, Acceptance, Action

Do you have certain phrases that have given you energy, awareness and shifted your thinking? Two of mine are: "Where the attention goes, the energy flows," and "You are either green and growing or ripe and rotting." These are mantras I've lived by for 30 years. What do these mantras look like, sound like and feel like in the classroom? In leadership? At home? In my inner life? Let's engage in these ideas through 3 compelling experiences that connect us all in our humanity and catapult us forward with new energy. Leaming outcomes include the following:
• Define what it means to be living above the line (energizing) and also living below the line (draining)
• Key emphasis will be on self-talk and knowing your triggers and habits to bounce or "trampoline" back up?
• Participants will: Identify negative spirals and how to stop them using mind-mapping sequence.
• Participants will: Complete values clarification activity. Why? Demoralization is the erosion of your values not matching up over time; it creates burnout; getting clear is kind, unclear is unkind.
• Participants will: walk away refreshed, energized and empowered.
Click here to register.

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